We were approached by Kotsovolos, Greece’s leading electrical retailer to help them to completely review and deliver an improved customer navigation and POS solution. The objective was to help reinforce solicitar tarjeta en linea Kotsovolos’s electrical expertise, aid customers in helping them determine the right product for their needs and to improve the overall customer shopping experience, with a focus on navigation and the promotion of add-on services such as their financial services offering.
Over the last 24 months, we have delivered significant improvements into Kotsovolos stores – new product segmentation; new navigation, new ticketing and pricing mechanisms; a new financial services brand, a new way of helping customers to choose products and drive cross selling opportunities; as well as many seasonal sales promotion campaigns.
Despite a difficult economic climate, Kotsovolos are managing to improve customer experience and customer satisfaction inside the stores, in part as a result of the fundamental and significant changes we introduced into their main store, which is now being rolled out across the entire estate on over 70 stores.